<span>Top five models for immuno-oncology studies</span>
September 6, 2023

Top five models for immuno-oncology studies

Scientists at Labcorp have run close to 3,500 preclinical immuno-oncology studies over the past ?ve years. While new models continue to be developed, our scientists have found the following to be their commonly used "workhorse" models, time-tested and optimized for evaluating a wide range of therapeutic approaches.
<span>The effect of decalcification on subcutaneous implant study</span>
September 8, 2023

The effect of decalcification on subcutaneous implant study

NSH 2023 -- Decalcification is routinely used technique in most histopathological laboratories for the microscopic examination and the bone decalcification has been used in histology processing for many years. The purpose of decalcification is to remove calcium salts from mineralized tissue, resulting in preservation of organic components.