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For hours, walk-ins and appointments.Labcorp genetic counselors are available to support patients as well as health care providers through the process of
(1) understanding risk, (2) identifying appropriate testing, (3) interpreting results, and (4) test follow-up.
With the growth of genetic testing, clinicians are called on to play a greater role in patient education, individual risk assessment, and informed consent. LabCorp provides genetic counselors to help meet these needs with preconception and prenatal counseling, egg and sperm donor risk assessments, and cancer risk assessments. These services are available in a number of different formats for the convenience of patients.
To determine the availability of patient counseling services in a particular geographic area, please call 800-245-4363.
Laboratory genetic counselors can serve as a resource for health care providers. Physicians, genetic counselors, nurses, and other health care providers may contact a laboratory genetic counselor for a range of services: from a discussion of available testing and test requirements to assistance in arranging for and managing testing for particularly difficult cases. The counselors serve as a conduit between health care providers and the genetic diagnostic laboratories at LabCorp, including the molecular genetics, cytogenetics, biochemical genetics, and molecular oncology laboratories.
Health care providers can contact laboratory support genetic counselors at 800-345-4363.