<span>Genotyping assays detecting variants associated with NAFLD and NASH</span>
December 13, 2023

Genotyping assays detecting variants associated with NAFLD and NASH

Strong association with and high prevalence of the PNPLA3 I148M (rs738409) variant in the general population, and especially high prevalence in Hispanic and Asian populations, make it an ideal candidate as a therapeutic target as well as a potential diagnostic test to identify individuals at increased risk of progression to late-stage liver disease.
<span>Customizing solutions for RNA-based therapeutics</span>
December 21, 2023

Customizing solutions for RNA-based therapeutics

A growing biotech company was researching early phase development of RNA-based therapies against cancer, a promising area of study that has shown potential to improve precision medicine with targeted therapy that weakens and slows the growth of harmful tumor cells.
<span>Early phase development solutions: Program management</span>
December 22, 2023

Early phase development solutions: Program management

Early phase development programs involve many moving parts, and it's critical to keep on track. Program management makes it easy. By choosing program management, you'll receive end-to-end support that ensures your program gets the attention it needs across teams according to your milestones.
<span>How to navigate bee ecotoxicology studies: What you need to know</span>
December 22, 2023

How to navigate bee ecotoxicology studies: What you need to know

The fate of bees and other pollinators is of interest to businesses, regulators, the media and the general public due to concerns about declining colony numbers and increasing incidents of ill health amongst pollinators. The precise reasons for these unwelcome developments are complex and multi-factorial.
<span>Advanced in vitro capabilities to power your research</span>
February 1, 2024

Advanced in vitro capabilities to power your research

Address the invaluable need for analysis of target and drug activity before, during and after the in vivo experiment when you access our full suite of molecular and cellular biology assays. Choose from off-the-shelf tests and custom assays, stand-alone or integrated as part of in vivo studies.