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- Medicaid Renewal 2023
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For hours, walk-ins and appointments.If you no longer qualify for Medicaid, you may have another option to get health coverage.
Learn more about the changes at Medicaid.gov.
Recipients will get their renewal letter in the mail at their normal renewal time. That is usually one year from the date they signed up for Medicaid.
Alabama Medicaid information site: https://medicaid.alabama.gov/
Alaska will return to the regular pre-pandemic process of Medicaid annual renewals beginning April 1, 2023. Update your contact information on the information site.
Alaska Medicaid information site: https://health.alaska.gov/dpa/Pages/medicaid/Medicaid-Renewals.aspx
You can update your contact information in the state of Arizona online or by phone.
Arizona Medicaid information site: https://www.azahcccs.gov/renewals
Arkansas Medicaid renewal letters are being mailed through the summer. You can update your contact information in the state of Arkansas online, by phone, or in-person.
Arkansas Medicaid information site: https://humanservices.arkansas.gov/divisions-shared-services/medical-services/update-arkansas-2/
California will restart yearly Medicaid eligibility reviews using available information to decide if you or your family member(s) still qualify for coverage. Update your information and sign up for alerts at the California information site.
California Medicaid information site: https://www.dhcs.ca.gov/Pages/Keep-Your-Medi-Cal.aspx
Colorado will mail the yearly renewal/redetermination materials to you and/or your family members 60 days before your redetermination date. Visit colorado.gov/peak to update your address, phone number, and other important information, or contact your Local County Services Office .
Colorado Medicaid information site: https://healthfirstcolorado.com/renewals
Make sure your address and phone number are up to date with the Department of Social Services. To update your information, visit ct.gov/UpdateUsDSS .
You can update your contact information in the state of Delaware online, by phone, or fax .
o TTY users: Call 1-855-889-4325.
o Español, Kreyòl ayisyen, العربية, Tiếng Việt, or other languages: 1-866-843-7212.
Delaware Medicaid information site: https://dhss.delaware.gov/dhss/dmma/de_medicaid_eligibility_renewal.html
You can update your contact information in the state of Florida online in your MyAccess account: https://www.myflorida.com/accessflorida/ .
Florida Medicaid information site: https://myflfamilies.com/medicaid
You can update your contact information in the state of Georgia online, by phone, or in person.
Georgia Medicaid information site: staycovered.ga.gov
You can update your contact information in the state of Hawaii by logging into your account on Medical.mybenefits.hawaii.gov or by calling the Health Plan number on the back of your insurance card.
Florida Medicaid information site: https://medquest.hawaii.gov/en/members-applicants/already-covered/Stay_Well_Stay_Covered_Toolkit.html
You can update your contact information in the state of Idaho online or by phone.
You can update your contact information in the state of Illinois, visit abe.illinois.gov.
Illinois Medicaid information site: https://www2.illinois.gov/hfs/MedicalClients/Pages/addresschange.aspx
You can update your contact information in the state of Indiana, visit: FSSABenefits.IN.gov
Indiana Medicaid information site: https://www.in.gov/medicaid/members/member-resources/How-a-return-to-normal-will-impact-some-Indiana-Medicaid-members/
You can update your contact information in the state of Iowa, contact Member services at 800-338-8366.
You can update your contact information in the state of Kansas online or by phone.
Kansas Medicaid information site: https://kancare.ks.gov/
You can update your contact information in the state of Kentucky online or by phone.
Kentucky Medicaid information site: https://khbe.ky.gov/Enrollment/Pages/PHEUnwinding.aspx
You can update your contact information in the state of Louisiana online or by phone.
Louisiana Medicaid information site: https://ldh.la.gov/subhome/48
You can update your contact information in the state of Maine online or by phone.
Maine Medicaid information site: https://www.maine.gov/dhhs/ofi/programs-services/phe
You can update your contact information in the state of Maryland online or by phone.
Maryland Medicaid information site: https://www.marylandhealthconnection.gov/checkin/%E2%80%9D
You can update your contact information in the state of Massachusetts online or by phone.
Massachusetts Medicaid information site: https://www.mass.gov/how-to/renew-your-masshealth-coverage
The best way to update your information is online at Michigan.gov/MIBridges . You can also call your local MDHHS office. Visit the MDHHS County Office webpage to find your local office information.
Michigan Medicaid information site: https://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/end-phe/medicaid-benefit-changes
You can update your contact information in the state of Minnesota at https://mn.gov/dhs/mycontactinfo/ .
Minnesota Medicaid information site: https://mn.gov/dhs/renewmycoverage/
You can update your contact information in the state of Mississippi at http://medicaid.ms.gov/staycovered/
Mississippi Medicaid information site: https://medicaid.ms.gov/
You can update your contact information in the state of Missouri online, by phone, or in person.
Missouri Medicaid information site: https://mydss.mo.gov/renew/faqs
You can update your contact information in the state of Montana online, by phone, by mail, or in person.
Montana Medicaid information site: https://dphhs.mt.gov/healthcare/index
You can update your contact information in the state of Nebraska online at https://dhhs-access-neb-menu.ne.gov/start/?tl=en
Nebraska Medicaid information site: https://dhhs.ne.gov/Pages/Medicaid-MOE.aspx
You can update your contact information and get the latest information for the state of Nevada online at https://accessnevada.dwss.nv.gov/public/landing-page .
You can update your contact information and get the latest information for the state of New Hampshire online at https://www.dhhs.nh.gov/financial-assistance-0/pandemic-related-benefits-changes/continuous-medicaid-coverage-ending
You can update your contact information in the state of New Jersey by calling FamilyCare/Medicaid at 1-800-701-0710 (TTY: 71).
New Jersey Medicaid information site: https://nj.gov/humanservices/dmahs/staycoverednj/faqs/
You can update your contact information in the state of New Mexico via online chat. Chat with us now to update your contact information. Watch the How to Update your Contact Information Video.
New Mexico Medicaid information site: https://renew.hsd.nm.gov/
You can update your contact information in the state of New York by phone, online, or with an assistor.
New York Medicaid information site https://www.health.ny.gov/health_care/medicaid/changes/
You can update your contact information in the state of North Carolina by visiting ncdhhs.gov/localdss .
North Carolina Medicaid information toolkit: End of the Continuous Medicaid Coverage Requirement | NC Medicaid
You can update your contact information in the state of North Dakota by phone, email, or mail.
North Dakota Medicaid information toolkit: https://www.hhs.nd.gov/human-services/medicaid/StayCoveredND
You can update your information for the state of Ohio at https://medicaid.ohio.gov/.
You can update your contact information in the state of Oklahoma at https://www.apply.okhca.org/Site/UserAccountLogin.aspx
Oklahoma Medicaid information site: https://oklahoma.gov/ohca/renewals.html
You can update your contact information in the state of Oregon online or by phone.
Oregon Medicaid information site: https://www.oregon.gov/oha/PHE/Pages/index.aspx
You can update your information in the state of Pennsylvania by contacting the Customer Service Center at 1-877-395-8930 or 1-215-560-7226 in Philadelphia, or reporting it online through your COMPASS account.
Pennsylvania Medicaid information site: https://www.dhs.pa.gov/PHE/Pages/default.aspx
Visit healthyrhode.ri.gov to access your account online or download the HealthyRhode mobile app on your smartphone to access your account. Call HealthSource RI (HSRI) at 1-855-840-4774 (Monday through Friday, except holidays, from 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.).
Rhode Island Medicaid information site: https://staycovered.ri.gov/medicaid-renewals
You can update your contact information in the state of South Carolina by online, phone or in person.
South Carolina Medicaid toolkit: Member Fact Sheet Annual Reviews Restart 2.8.23 Final.pdf (scdhhs.gov)
You can update your information for the state of South Dakota at https://dss.sd.gov/medicaid/medicaid_eligibility_changes.aspx
You can update your contact information in the state of Tennessee online, by phone or via your app.
Tennessee Medicaid information site: https://www.tn.gov/tenncare/members-applicants/redetermination
You can update your contact information in the state of Texas by visiting YourTexasBenefits.com or calling 2-1-1, option 2.
Texas Medicaid toolkit: End of Continuous Medicaid Coverage Ambassador Toolkit | Texas Health and Human Services
You can update your contact information in the state of Utah online or by phone.
Utah Medicaid information site: Medicaid.gov/Renewals
Update your contact information to receive important notices, resources, and alerts. Log in to your account at www.VermontHealthConnect.gov or call 1-855-899-9600.
Vermont Medicaid information site: https://dvha.vermont.gov/unwinding
You can update your contact information in the state of Virginia online or by phone.
Virginia Medicaid toolkit: Toolkit for Member
You can update your contact information in the state of Washington online at https://www.hca.wa.gov/free-or-low-cost-health-care/i-need-medical-dental-or-vision-care/update-my-income-or-address-report-change
Washington Medicaid information site: https://www.hca.wa.gov/about-hca/programs-and-initiatives/apple-health-medicaid/apple-health-and-public-health-emergency
You can update your contact information in Washington D.C. online at District Direct (dc.gov)
You can update your contact information in the state of West Virginia by phone, email, mail, or online.
West Virginia Medicaid information site: https://dhhr.wv.gov/bms/Pages/default.aspx
You can update your contact information and get the latest information at https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/publications/p1/p10049.pdf .
You can update your contact information and get the latest information at https://health.wyo.gov/healthcarefin/medicaid/