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For hours, walk-ins and appointments.Your doctor orders a laboratory test from Labcorp. .
Your specimen is collected for testing in your doctor’s office or at a Labcorp lab – also referred to as a patient service center (PSC). If you need to go to a PSC for specimen collection, click Lab Search to find one near you.
A Labcorp courier picks up the test orders and specimens from the collection location (doctor’s office or PSC) and transports them to the lab for processing. Once testing is complete, test results are sent to the ordering doctor for review. Depending on the complexity of the test being performed, it could take a few hours or as long as several days before your results are reported to your doctor. You may access your lab results in the Labcorp patient portal after they have been reported to your doctor. Any questions about your results should be directed to your doctor.
Once the lab order with your test(s) is successfully resulted in the lab system, Labcorp files the claim with your insurance carrier or bills you or the appropriate account holder. If you receive a bill from Labcorp, click Pay Your Bill below.