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  • Complete portfolio of custom services

  • Customized production schedule to optimize production schedule

  • Extensive experience with a diverse set of antigens

Polyclonal antibodies are a mixture of antibodies directed against multiple epitopes of an antigen. These polyclonal antibodies can recognize the corresponding protein by interacting at various regions, allowing researchers to detect, quantify and characterize the antigen. The major benefit of using a polyclonal antibody preparation is the ability to recognize full-length, truncated or otherwise modified antigens in various matrices.

We offer a complete portfolio of custom polyclonal antibody services against a variety of antigens, including peptide synthesis, immunization campaigns in various host species, purification, labeling and characterization. Producing polyclonal antibodies involves three phases: immunization, monitoring of the immune response and antibody purification. Each step is customizable, and we’ll work with you to create an optimized production schedule to maximize serum volumes and antibody titers.

Considerations for a successful polyclonal antibody production

Nature of the antigen

Labcorp has extensive experience with a diverse set of antigens including: Peptides including post-translational modifications, proteins including monoclonal antibody therapeutics, recombinant protein antigens, haptens including unique small, organic molecules (modified cholesterol, polysaccharides), oligonucleotides and others.

Host species selection

Labcorp offers: Rabbits, mice, rats, hamsters, guinea pigs, ferrets, canines, felines, goats, sheep, swine, nonhuman primates and others.

Immune response screening

Labcorp offers a variety of commonly used screening modalities including: ELISA/MSD , western blot, flow cytometry, IHC, Octet and others.

Antibody purification methodology

Our dedicated purification laboratory has experience with: Antigen affinity, protein A/G, ammonium sulfate precipitation, ion exchange and others.

Application of the antibodies

Based on your needed application for these antibodies, Labcorp’s scientists will devise the proper strategy for immunization, screening and purification.

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